Friday 25 January 2013

Happy To be Me baby :D

so, physically this is my first entry, but actually it was not. before this ada jugak post,
but then delete all the post, sebab rasa it was not compatible. bajet bajet ramai je org yg view
padahal tk de pun. HAHAHAH! dania perasaan. it is sooooo whatever. grrrrr.
okay! now im currently at johor. my home manis home. sbb quite long holiday. its about
5 days mcm tu. so i take tis advantage alik amponggg. hoho. padahal raya cina
nnti nk balik lagi. hmmm adakah ini pembaziran? NO! this is such an investment lah.
hahah tiada istilah PEMBAZIRAN kalau itu utk family. Alhamdulillah, my life getting better 
right now, in fact sometime ada jugak rasa lonely. Tapi apa nk dikesahkan.
i have everything such as family, friends and most of important thing for human
it is MONEYYYYYY!!! mwahahahha. kbye. terima kasih ya Allah.
harap dengan kesenangan and this happiness doesn't let me follow the wrong flow.
in Shaa Allah. thats all guys! Salam love. 

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