Saturday 26 January 2013

Mini Pocket Bike

hye evening readers! yeay! today's topic mcm best for those kids lah kan of course. so just now pick up my first bro dekat tesco kulai, then kat basement tesco tu every saturday night diorg ada open circuit utk pocketbike. Litar Mini Bike. tahu tak what is pocketbike? this is it

nampak besaq en? no its actually kecil je. comel lotehh. ala ala RXZ tapi version kecil. okay this kind of bike usually junior rider lah yg main, but adult pun main jugak. senang cerita its universal lah siapa siapa je boleh ride. 
Okay! ni minibike, sometime org panggil pocketbike, or mini moto. mostly minibike ni stand with two-stroke engines and chain drive.
there is a few types of minibikes, hmm which is pocketbike/minimoto, pitbike, pit bike racing, mini choppers, midi motors, and the last one is quad bikes. okay nk tahu lebih lanjut, mintak tlg mr google okayy hehe. Motor ni legal , most of international country dah approve this sport. Minibikes is not a toys btw, althought often treated as such. so for those parents yg plannig for your kids to get involve in this awesome sport, make sure your kids are safe and always monitoring your kids when using this "real" toys.
here is a few picture, illustrating you the cutest bike. hihi 

tag 1 : pit bike

tag 2: mini chopper

the cutest one. this one is midi motor. i wish i could buy one for my future SONNN!! daughter are not allow haha

okay! thats it. thanks for reading. see you! bye bye muahh.

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